Drone video takes your film pro­duction to new heights

Drone videos are recor­dings made from the air that can gre­at­ly improve the impres­sion and ima­ge of your pro­duct or your com­pa­ny. The use of dro­ne foo­ta­ge can give your films a new and exci­ting ang­le as well as a gre­a­ter per­specti­ve of what you would like to showcase.

Top-notch dro­ne video

Produced By is a cer­ti­fied dro­ne pro­duction com­pa­ny. This means that we natu­ral­ly have all dro­ne per­mits and insu­ran­ce poli­cies in order. We do assign­ments for com­pa­nies in all of Copenhagen and the sur­ro­un­ding area, like Frederiksberg and Amager.

We film using a pro­fes­sio­nal DJI Inspire type dro­ne. The dro­ne pro­du­ces high-qua­li­ty 4K recor­dings and stills. The dro­ne can fly 4 km up in the air at a spe­ed of up to 100 km per hour. Moreover, the dro­ne can film in wind of up to 10 m per second. Produced By there­fo­re gives you the best star­ting point pos­sib­le for beau­ti­ful, qua­li­ty dro­ne footage.

See spe­ci­fic examp­les by cli­ck­ing one of the but­tons below, whe­re you can see our YouTube chan­nel and our dro­ne video showreel.

Produced by
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Dronefilm er produced by's ekspertiseområde og tilbydes til virksomheder på amager, frederiksberg og resten af københavn
Dronefilm for virksomheder på frederiksberg, amager og i hele københavn i højeste klasse

What is the advan­ta­ge of dro­ne recordings?

All film pro­ductions can bene­fit from imple­men­ting dro­ne videos, as they provi­de a com­ple­te pic­tu­re of what you would like to showca­se. Depending on the spe­ci­fic type of case and film pro­ject, you can opt to make your film enti­re­ly of dro­ne foo­ta­ge. Alternatively, you can use dro­ne video in com­bi­na­tion with more tra­di­tio­nal forms of video recordings.

Drone foo­ta­ge is a bene­fi­ci­al solu­tion if you would like to lay down a pla­ce in pure­ly geo­grap­hic terms or if you have to show the scope of a pro­ject. Drone videos provi­de an over­view of your pro­duction and help viewers form a com­ple­te overall impres­sion of your pro­duct or company.

This type of video is well sui­ted, among other thin­gs, for:

  • Landscapes
  • Construction
  • Buildings
  • Cityscapes
  • Tourist videos

Overall, dro­ne foo­ta­ge dif­fers in a pure­ly visu­al sen­se from more com­mon recor­dings made on the gro­und. It is for this rea­son that dro­ne foo­ta­ge can bring the last and deci­si­ve tou­ches to your film.

Would you like to know more? Get in touch

At Produced By we have done many gre­at cases with dro­ne foo­ta­ge. Check them out in our dro­ne film showre­el. You are always welco­me to con­ta­ct us one pho­ne +45 31 33 21 50 or email ege@producedby.dk.