‘Green’ film and video production

What are gre­en filmproductions?

Today, emis­sions, sustai­na­bi­li­ty and cli­ma­te chan­ges are una­voi­dab­le topi­cs in most indu­stri­es. It also applies to our busi­ness in most of the wor­ld. A num­ber of gui­de­li­nes alre­a­dy exist, on how to pro­du­ce film, tele­vi­sion and com­merci­als in Denmark, with a focus on reducing emissions.

It is not yet a requi­re­ment, but it seems to be a mat­ter of time befo­re it affects the Danish film og tv industry.

At a sustai­nab­le pro­duction we com­mit our­sel­ves to com­ply with the following:

  • Prioritize and use of sustai­nab­le transportation
  • Energy fri­end­ly film equip­ment and reu­se of materials
  • Use of local power grid and ’gre­en’ ener­gy suppliers
  • No-pla­stic policy
  • Local vege­ta­ri­an catering 
  • Sorting gar­ba­ge
  • Climate report

We have years of expe­ri­en­ce in pro­ducing ’gre­en’ film

In clo­se coo­pe­ra­tion with BFTP​.DK and Green Producers Club we have deve­l­oped gui­de­li­nes for a more sustai­nab­le pro­duction and tested in pra­cti­ce on our own pro­ductions through the last six years.

We’ve been pro­ducing and deve­l­o­ping film, tv and com­merci­als after best-pra­cti­ce in Denmark and know exa­ct­ly how to com­ply with the requi­re­ments for sustai­na­bi­li­ty in our busi­ness. That’s why we offer to help you pro­ducing with a mini­mum of emis­sions on your next production. 

What does it take to pro­du­ce a ’gre­en’ film?

It will not radi­cal­ly chan­ge your form of pro­duction or your con­tent, but it requi­res that the mana­ge­ment and all deci­sion-makers who par­ti­ci­pa­te in the film pro­duction, are awa­re of their res­sour­ce consumptions. 

During the pro­duction and post­pro­duction we recom­mend to have an asso­ci­a­ted Green Manager, to con­ti­nuous­ly col­lect data for the pro­ductions cli­ma­te report. When the pro­duction is com­ple­ted you will recei­ve a cli­ma­te report, that cre­a­tes an over­view and data for the pro­ductions total use of emis­sions. You can inte­gra­te the report in your com­pa­nies total CO2e accounting. 

What does a CO2-redu­ced film pro­duction cost?

The pri­ce will not chan­ge radi­cal­ly, but the­re will be a sur­ch­ar­ge accor­ding to the cli­ma­te report, as it demands con­ti­nuous­ly data col­lection and pre­pa­ra­tion of the final report.

Get in con­ta­ct for prices.

Curious? Please con­ta­ct us at:Ege Heckmann: ege@producedby.dk / tlf.: +45 3133 2150Annika Lund Jensen: annika@producedby.dk / tlf.: +45 4074 9305

We are look­ing forward to hear from you.