
Logo danmarks naturfredning

Vi har igen­nem man­ge år efter­hån­den haft et fast sam­ar­bej­de med Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, hvor vi har pro­du­ce­ret film til kampag­ner såsom Naturens Dag, Red Danmarks kyster, Helt sort, Sygesvin etc. Produktionerne sker ofte i tæt sam­ar­bej­de med Gorm Agency.

Logo royal beer

Produced By has pro­du­ced seve­ral films for Royal Beer — such as event films for festi­vals and in con­nection with campaigns like “Tak Rock”.

Logo metronettet

I for­bin­del­se med udvi­del­sen af Metronettet har Produced by været fast sam­ar­bejds­part­ner på en ræk­ke film, der både for­kla­rer, hvor langt arbej­det er kom­met men også rebran­ding­film, som har haft til for­mål at give Metroen en mere posi­tiv profil.


Produced By har pro­du­ce­ret adskil­li­ge film for Oak TNJ i for­bin­del­se med lan­ce­ring og prom­ove­ring af magasinet.

Logo coop

We con­ti­nuous­ly pro­du­ce onli­ne films, adverts and inter­nal videos for the many dif­fe­rent COOP brands. Productions is done in a clo­se coo­pe­ra­tion with Konstellation and Republica.

Svalbard logo

Vi don’t actu­al­ly have a coo­pe­ra­tion with Svalbard, but we’ve done some fil­m­ing the­re and thought it was so gre­at, that we would love to go back.

Video still svalbard

We con­ti­nuous­ly pro­du­ce onli­ne films, adverts and inter­nal videos for the many dif­fe­rent COOP brands. Productions is done in a clo­se coo­pe­ra­tion with Konstellation and Republica.