Produced By was originally founded by three producers and is currently a well-established film production company, with everything this involves. This means that we are in the possession of all necessary facilities and resources to complete your film project. Our facilities and resources comprise, among other things, a film studio, photographers, editors and presenters. Our overarching goal is to produce advertising and corporate videos that stand out.
One of Produced By’s core competencies in the production of corporate videos is the production of portrait films for companies. We have produced films for several large companies, including:
- Lego,
- TDC and
- Coop.
We are based in Frederiksberg and because of that we handle a particularly large number of projects on Amager and in the rest of Copenhagen.
Hvad er portrætfilm?
Portrait films at Produced By are films whose purpose is to paint the portrait of a given company. More specifically, such a film often functions as a portrait of employees, executives or directors.
From a business perspective, all companies benefit from having a portrait made of their company. Portrait films can help smaller companies achieve public credibility as a form of positive branding. And if your company is larger, portrait films can help give it the missing personal touch that can sometimes be difficult to communicate in large corporations.
Portrait films that your business can profit by
We are largely in the middle of an era where consumers have more and more to say. At the same time, we find that there is a growing focus on promoting personal relations—between consumers and companies.
By introducing portrait films as an element of your company profile and strategy, you as a company can take the first step towards building your first personal element out towards the general public. In the final analysis, it will be easier for consumers to gain a natural understanding of your product and company if they can relate to you personally.
Would you like to know more?
If you have any questions or want to know something more specific, do not hesitate to get in touch with us by email or phone 31 33 21 50.