Portrait films

Produced By was ori­gi­nal­ly foun­ded by three pro­du­cers and is cur­rent­ly a well-establis­hed film pro­duction com­pa­ny, with eve­ryt­hing this invol­ves. This means that we are in the pos­ses­sion of all neces­sary faci­li­ties and resour­ces to com­ple­te your film pro­ject. Our faci­li­ties and resour­ces com­pri­se, among other thin­gs, a film stu­dio, pho­to­grap­hers, edi­tors and pre­sen­ters. Our overar­ching goal is to pro­du­ce adver­ti­sing and cor­pora­te videos that stand out.

One of Produced By’s core com­pe­ten­cies in the pro­duction of cor­pora­te videos is the pro­duction of portrait films for com­pa­nies. We have pro­du­ced films for seve­ral lar­ge com­pa­nies, including:

  • Lego,
  • TDC and
  • Coop.

We are based in Frederiksberg and becau­se of that we hand­le a par­ti­cu­lar­ly lar­ge num­ber of pro­jects on Amager and in the rest of Copenhagen.

Hvad er portrætfilm?

Portrait films at Produced By are films who­se pur­po­se is to paint the portrait of a given com­pa­ny. More spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, such a film often fun­ctions as a portrait of employ­e­es, execu­ti­ves or directors.

From a busi­ness per­specti­ve, all com­pa­nies bene­fit from having a portrait made of their com­pa­ny. Portrait films can help smal­ler com­pa­nies achie­ve public cre­di­bi­li­ty as a form of posi­ti­ve bran­ding. And if your com­pa­ny is lar­ger, portrait films can help give it the mis­sing per­so­nal touch that can some­ti­mes be dif­fi­cult to com­mu­ni­ca­te in lar­ge corporations.

Portrait films that your busi­ness can pro­fit by

We are lar­ge­ly in the mid­dle of an era whe­re consu­mers have more and more to say. At the same time, we find that the­re is a growing focus on pro­mo­ting per­so­nal relations—between consu­mers and companies.

By intro­ducing portrait films as an ele­ment of your com­pa­ny pro­fi­le and stra­te­gy, you as a com­pa­ny can take the first step towards buil­ding your first per­so­nal ele­ment out towards the gene­ral public. In the final ana­ly­sis, it will be easi­er for consu­mers to gain a natu­ral under­stan­ding of your pro­duct and com­pa­ny if they can rela­te to you personally.

Would you like to know more?

If you have any questions or want to know somet­hing more spe­ci­fic, do not hesi­ta­te to get in touch with us by email ege@producedby.dk or pho­ne 31 33 21 50.

Produced by